The Heart of Cabi Event | headshots for a fresh start
For the second year in a row, I helped out my Cabi friends for their wonderful Heart of Cabi event.
First, you may be wondering, “what’s Cabi?” Cabi is a line of high quality women’s clothing sold through consultants at customers’ homes and offices. Sort of like Pampered Chef, but cute outfits instead of handy kitchen gadgets. (If you want to check it out, drop me a line saying you want to come to my next Cabi event at the studio. It will most likely in the fall.)
The Heart of Cabi is a day-long philanthropic event they coordinate on a national level to help local women in need dress and feel better. The Milwaukee consultants meet at the Sojourner Family Peace Center. The volunteers distribute clothing and accessories to the attendees. Then they bring them to a separate room where Sandra Hoeft, a Mary Kay SUPERSTAR, gives them mini-makeovers and I have set up a photo studio to create their sparkly, new headshots.
It’s a fun and energizing day. I mean, really, it’s completely exhausting, but making a positive change for so many women who really, REALLY NEED IT keeps me going for days and days. It was an honor to meet all the attendees, it was privilege to become even the tiniest part of their stories. I wish each one of them good health, success and unending happiness .
The Cabi volunteers pose for a group shot before the doors opened.
These are the four powerhouses who lead the volunteers. It’s a lot of work and they pull off an amazing event year after year.
Below are the participants’ new headshots. And yes, there were a few “special appearances”, too. These women are truly something special. Their beauty shines through their eyes and their smiles.
Here’s to hoping for a new job, a new start and a new life for these strong, beautiful women.